New Year and New Goals?

As 2019 draws to a close, I’m sure we’re all looking back and reflecting on how it’s been, and I know many of us are ready to be done with it and look forward to the future. I know personally, 2019 has been an interesting year for sure and a lot has happened in my life. I’ve made new friends, seen old friends, ended relationships and started new ones. I bought a condo and moved out on my own in Chicago. I traveled all sorts of places including out of the country for the very first time! I’ve filled out more job applications and done more interviews than I care to think about. I published several things and worked with some absolutely amazing people. I’ve laughed and I’ve cried, and I’ve shared in the joy and laughter of my friends and family. 2019 was far from perfect, but it brought me a lot of experiences that I can use to continue to improve myself going forward.

In 2020, I don’t want to set myself up for a long list of accomplishments to hit, but I do want to make sure I do a few things.

  1. Continue to push myself to improve my writing and network in the RPG community to learn more from everyone that I admire. Participate in more projects and publish more things.
  2. Spend more quality time with my friends and family, especially those that live elsewhere. Experiences shape your life, and sharing them with those you love is essential.
  3. Find a role that puts me on a career path that makes me feel happy and fulfilled with what I’m doing. Continue to learn and grow and become better at whatever I do.

Are there any things you plan to do in 2020 that you didn’t get done this year?

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